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Post-Colonialism and The Empire of Climate Change

Anthropogenic climate change is an avatar of the current environmental crisis, but it alone does not begin to capture the enormity of the environmental destruction we, the human collective, are inflicting on the world. […]

Certain Suffering: Human Costs of Climate Change


Boalt Hall professor of law, Andrew Guzman, says that if only people understood the HUMAN COSTS of Climate Change, action to prevent global warming might be accomplished.

Read Guzman’s recently published book, OVERHEATED: The Human Costs of Climate Change:

[I]ts strength lies in its clear-eyed assessment of the costs involved in various policy responses […]

World Bank Investigates Cognitive Challenges

The World Bank gives and the World Bank takes away. With respect to climate change, the World Bank is funding the expansion of coal-fired power plants in India and China that will vastly increase the rate of CO2 accumulation in the atmosphere. The World Bank also funds so-called climate change mitigation and adaptation programs. What […]


Freedom Summer ’09 is a group dedicated to making the summer of 2009 a memorable moment in the history of climate change activism. Organized by Tom Pollak, Freedom Summer ’09 takes its name from the famous Freedom Summer of 1964, which featured voter registration of African Americans in Mississippi. Freedom Summer ’09 aims to turn […]

Old King Coal was a Merry Old Soul

The Climate Change bill (The American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009) scheduled to come up for a vote next week in Congress contains language that ends key provisions of the Clean Air Act. The proposed legislation would allow old coal plants to continue emitting based on free carbon allowances, and would allow some […]

Berkman Center for Internet and Society: Media Cloud and Culture

How can we measure the growth in interest in climate change? It seems like lately television is awash in big corporate advertisements claiming to make contributions to climate change prevention. The number of websites, blogs, and media reports on climate change and its impact seems to grow daily. But how can we measure this? How […]

Obama’s Leadership in Creating a New Culture of Climate Change

Obama Administration creates Culture of Climate Change […]

Scientific Consensus on Climate Change: Naomi Oreskes

In this chapter Naomi Oreskes, Professor at the University of San Diego, gives an analysis of climate change science based on her extensive evaluation of the literature. She argues that the science community ended controversy over human-generated global warming in or around 2004. The popular opinion in the U.S., she notes, lags behind the science, […]

Think Tanks Confront Climate Change

Climate change policy-making has become a thriving industry, for those advocating environmentalism and those opposed. The world of policy experts are grappling head-on with global warming and the implications of climate change for peoples around the world. Like the field of International Development, economists figure prominently in this field. Economic interests as much as environmental […]

Surround Sound Tactic of Alliance for Climate Protection

Surround sound means using every available means of communication to push the message about climate change and how people can confront it. The Alliance for Climate Protection, with Al Gore as Chairman of the Board, is emphasizing social networking sites and viral marketing as well as partnering with other organizations to create wide-spread engagement with […]