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Fighting Fracking with Fire: Globalized Tactic for People against Police

Warrior Publications has posted a story about the on-going Mi’kmaq resistance to exploration for fracking sites.

Burning tires, they argue, is a tried-and-true tactic for effective street protest and popular resistance. The pollution from the tires? A necessary evil and less than would be produced by fracking.

Here’s the full story, with brilliant photos:

Warrior […]

One billion litres of contaminated water into the Athabasca River

As reported on WC Native News:


The “major failure” of a pit at an Alberta coal mine has released one billion litres of contaminated water into the Athabasca River.

The breach at the Obed Mountain Coal Mine has resulted in murky water entering two tributaries, which carried the refuse into the Athabasca and is […]