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Sari Art & Climate Resilience: Film by Monica Bose & Nandita Ahmed



A Kickstarter Project by the U.S. based Blangladeshi women artist and film maker, Monica Bose and Nandita Ahmed.

Monica Bose, based in Washington DC, is a visual and performance artist with family roots in Katakhali.

You can see Monica perform in Mt. Ranier, Maryland.


Here is the direct message from Monica and Nadita:

A three-page article called “Storytelling with Saris” has just come out in Annanya, a leading women’s magazine in Bangladesh.

The article is in Bengali and starts with the following quote: The village is changing from the inside.  The women of the village are now enlightened, self-confident, and empowered.  There is much that we can learn from them.”  I actually heard about the article when I called one of the women in Katakhali the other day.  She told me that they had read the article and were very excited.  I am pleased that the article is in Bengali so that the women of Katakhali can read it and be proud of their achievements!  (It is essentially an expanded Bengali version of a writeup that appeared earlier in the Independent in English.)

On another note, Cyclone Mahasan came through coastal Bangladesh last week and hit Katakhali as a downgraded wind/rain storm.  Everyone took shelter in the Samhati health clinic and survived.  There was extensive damage to crops and trees, and many of the tin roofs on houses blew off — Samhati will help with repairs as needed.
Please do contribute to our Storytelling with Saris campaign as much as possible. Do try to pledge by this Friday May 24 at noon –that will be our one week mark since the launch and it is critical for us to have lots of support by then so that we get noticed on Kickstarter.   http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/740602660/her-words-storytelling-with-saris  If you have already contributed, we really appreciate your support and ask that you please tell two friends and ask them to contribute.  If we can multiply the current funding by three, we can reach $7,500 or be 75% of the way there!

Thank you all very much.

Warm regards,
Monica and Nandita

(and our four new interns, Erica and Kerin in DC, Elin in Wellesley, MA/Jaipur, India, and Nadia in Toronoto, Canada!)
Monica Jahan Bose
2017 Belmont Road, NW
Washington, DC 20009, USA


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